Privacy Policy
So here’s something not so useful for you to read, but that I’m legally obliged to write. Because of things like behavioral targeting, you might see ads on this site that reflect your interests or are frankly just annoying. You may feel free to ignore said advertising, but know that you’ve been made aware that you and marketing co-exist in this flawed world. If being spied on by the government and other heinous entities (like Google Adsense) bothers you and you’d like to opt out of such nasty behavior, you can click here. I won’t hate you nor will I blame if you I suddenly get hatemail based on the invasion of privacy that has occurred.
If those options do not satisfy your needs to eliminate yourselves from the status quo, please use this link to further opt-out of all third party advertising/cookies and other scurrilous probes into your private life.
Boring mandatory text that I didn’t write:
“Any advertisements served by Google, Inc., and affiliated companies may be controlled using cookies. These cookies allow Google to display ads based on your visits to this site and other sites that use Google advertising services. Learn how to opt out of Google’s cookie usage. As mentioned above, any tracking done by Google through cookies and other mechanisms is subject to Google’s own privacy policies.
About Google advertising: What is the DoubleClick DART cookie? The DoubleClick DART cookie is used by Google in the ads served on publisher websites displaying AdSense for content ads. When users visit an AdSense publisher’s website and either view or click on an ad, a cookie may be dropped on that end user’s browser. The data gathered from these cookies will be used to help AdSense publishers better serve and manage the ads on their site(s) and across the web.”