A few days ago, I saw Bumfights: A Cause For Concern, which is not aptly named, as there are is but a 4 second [staged] clip where one bum bites another. Mostly, it’s made up of clips of suburban teenagers fighting, badly. But the producers also pay bums to injure themselves, tattoo things on themselves, etc. There’s also a really unfunny section called Bumhunter, which is a parody of Crocodile Hunter, where this guy pretending to be Steve Irwin, accent, uniform and all, and sneaks up to sleeping homeless people, ties them up, pretends they are animals and describes their marks, scars and clothing. These parts are clearly not staged and it sort of moves into that sickening, pointless area. Why are they picking on these homeless people? Because they are rich kids with nothing to do and these people won’t fight back. At one point, the Bumhunter gets bitten and you can see him bleeding (as well as discarded needles on the ground), and I thought, maybe, if there is a God, he would smile down on this idiot, and hopefully give him AIDS. What’s worse is, it’s all hype the filmmakers both lack tact and balls since they do something really tasteless like tie up homeless people, but then don’t have the chutzpah to do anything with that concept. It’s material that’s basically afraid of itself. Proof is in the fact that they are trying to gross us out by showing bums taking a shit and we see it come out, but they censor bum blowjobs, even though they have a bikini model they hired to sex it up a bit at dead moments. So they are clearly selling sex as well and the censoring is just really hypocritical.