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Second Sight
Much like the Pat Morita/Jay Leno vehicle, Collision Course, Second Sight has been an HBO staple for a very long time. Both heavily feature actors better suited for TV and neither has any aspirations to be anything less than reassuringly irritating. However, unlike virtually every second of Collision Course, Second Sight is never boring, despite […]
Terminator 3
Very poorly paced and written, and awkwardly acted by Nick Stahl. The Terminatrix doesn’t have much to do, and they don’t give her any cool powers. She seems a step backwards (and she is vanquished in a rather simple way as well) from Robert Patrick’s T-1000 from T2. The huge flaw at the center of […]
Garden State
Garden State manages a high wire act for the first hour, where writer/director/star Zach Braff plays the straight man to all the odd things that are going on around him. At any moment it could have fallen apart and become one of those films where everyone in the small town is kooky and colorful and […]