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A podcast with Going the Distance writer Geoff LaTulippe, potential egobursting ahead
This podcast was a tough one. It’s an interview with the writer of Going the Distance, Geoff LaTulippe. Geoff wrote the original screenplay that was on the 2008 Blacklist (Up in the Air was also on it), which is a list of all of the best unproduced screenplays floating around Hollywood. I’ve read Geoff’s screenplay, […]
Going the Distance
There are many critics who like to feign anger or moral outrage towards a movie. That’s purely an emotional reaction and not an intellectual one; the truth is that very few films are worthy of any sort of ire, it’s just a terrific way to get attention by piling on the derogatory snark. Exceptions do […]
The Other Guys
Screaming non-sequiturs at the top of your lungs will only get you so far in life. If you’re Will Ferrell, it can get you a financially successful, but poorly made, one-note comedy like Stepbrothers. The fatal flaw of Step Brothers is that Ferrell and John C. Reilly spent their time bellowing profanity at each other […]
Step Brothers
Do you like 90 minutes of screaming? Do you not care about building laughs or story or anything besides watching two actors yell at each other in confused versions of profanity? Do you like being distracted by Mary Steenburgen disastrous facelift? Do you like characters that have no logical reason for existing, even more pathetic […]