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The Informant!
Being intentionally campy is a slippery slope. There are generally two polar opposites that filmmakers aim for, with John Waters and his deliberately wretched acting and fecal excess on one side and Pedro Almodovar and his brightly colored wallpaper and screaming transvestites on the other. Well, maybe there’s not a huge difference, but in terms […]
Inglourious Basterds Podcast, with special guest Benji
Below you’ll find a podcast about Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds, which I conducted with the famed star of 30 years worth of films, Benji. You can read a review of the film here. Click the play icon to listen to the podcast. Or you can download the podcast here. (Right-click, Save Link As…)
Inglourious Basterds
The male psyche is such a fragile animal that virtually any questioning of it will result in either an abundance of defensive mechanisms kicking in or a complete melt-down. This is why men need to be right about everything and asking for help on any matter is considered a mortal sin of the ego. That’s […]
The Marc Pease Experience
The best examples of movies that use product placement as plot points are Tsui Hark’s Double Team which amongst other things, has our heroes hide behind a Coke machine, protecting them from certain death and Alexander Payne’s Election, where Matthew Broderick, because he is staring at a can of Pepsi, is able to deduce that […]
Paper Heart
According to one of the starry-eyed children interviewed at an Atlanta playground during Nicholas Jasenovec’s mockumentary Paper Heart, the most romantic place to take a woman on a date is Applebee’s. Somehow, the child’s utterance is perfect for the movie’s subject, mumbly and ironically inexpressive comic and musician Charlyne Yi, who, for the purposes of […]
The Informers
I’ve never had a pony. I’ve never seen one do tricks. And yet, I somehow know what a one-trick pony is. I think the pony’s name is Bret Easton Ellis. Ellis, a showoffy, limited writer, revels in the shallowness of early-to-mid 1980’s Los Angelinos, had been adapted for the screen three times previous to The […]