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Did you know that kids, especially teenagers, use profanity on a fairly regular basis? One wouldn’t know that by watching films aimed at that demographic, considering the limitations of the PG-13 rating (where you can only say the F word once). The most accurate presentations of high school tend to be films that garner an […]
Those of us lucky enough to have seen Exhausted*, the 1981 John Holmes sycophant-umentary, may remember something the now world-weary director Julia St. Vincent, said on the DVD commentary. She described Holmes’ pursed lip expression during his moment of climax as one of his “monkey faces.” Now as the title character in MacGruber, the adaptation […]
A podcast with Nash Edgerton, director of The Square
Australian stuntman Nash Edgerton made his first feature, The Square, back in 2008, but it was just released in the US. The film is a twisty noir that takes place in a small, insular town, similar to Henrik Ruben Genz’s Terribly Happy (which also got a podcast dedicated to it). I interviewed Edgerton along with […]