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Dirty Harry vs. The French Connection: The Fascist Cop Movies of 1971
The late 1960’s were a troubled time for the major studios of Hollywood. Expensive musicals like Hello Dolly had failed as had pricey westerns like Paint Your Wagon. The success of Easy Rider was considered a breakthrough and set up the director-centric 1970’s spawning one crafty film nerd filmmaker after another, such as Francis Ford […]
Cruising is the ultimate should-have-been movie. Director William Friedkin, free from the ego involved in making The Exorcist, where he took a trashy book and pretended it wasn’t (notice how he now spends a lot of his time claiming it isn’t a horror movie), and then rubbed your nose in the trashy elements he left […]
The Exorcist
Most people are brainwashed into thinking The Exorcist is scary and makes you think, when I find it (along with a majority of my friends) to be a pretentious bore that takes itself way too seriously, and to interrupt the boredom, there is an occasional shock cut of something “disturbing,” although I would describe them […]