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Nicolas Cage and the Temple of Contractual Obligation
When my girlfriend and I moved to Columbus, Ohio, we did not have much time to find a place to live. We settled on a location that was converted from a post office to a building full of large lofts. The apartment was huge, but it had quite a few deficits. There were no lights […]
I Come With the Rain
It’s been said, by a much wiser man than I, that Charles Bronson looked like Mr. Potato Head. This was especially true in his later years in front of the camera, mailing it in while working with J. Lee Thompson and Michael Winner and Cannon Films in the 1980s on such sleazy and workmanlike films […]
The Adjustment Bureau/Unknown/The Eagle
In 2004, there was a surprisingly competent thriller released to theaters. Unfortunately it had a title that was not all that memorable, The Forgotten, and it was amidst a glut of “my child is missing” films, one of which also starred Julianne Moore, Freedomland. It had a premise that sounded familiar, Moore remembers her child, […]
Hollywood Homicide
Sunk by the weight of its scale and lackadasicalness, which ironically is it’s only real charm. Because the action sequences go on and on, it makes the weariness of the humor between Hartnett and Ford somehow more amusing. Luckily, the movie forgets about the dull plot for long stretches, but the sitcomy material of having […]